Narrated by big-name actors including Dan Stevens, Bill Nighy, Rory Kinnear and Damien Lewis, this audio collection contains the first four books in Ian Fleming's classic James Bond series. Featuring Casino Royale, Live and Let Die, Moonraker and Diamonds are Forever, these CDs (complete with original...
, unabridged text) follow the spy on his various missions and are sure to keep anyone who loves all things 007 happily entertained.
Casino Royale follows Bond as he aims to neutralise the Russian operative Le Chiffre by ruining him at the baccarat table;
Moonraker has him trying to stop a millionaire-backed project that could threaten Britain's defence system;
Live and Let Die is a tale of terror, treachery and torture; and
Diamonds are Forever finds diamonds being smuggled from Africa to America via Britain.