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Brainfood Audiobooks - End June 2019 Update - Immediate Loyalty Points Value DOUBLED!

30 June 2019  |  David at Brainfood Audiobooks


End June 2019 Update


Brainfood Loyalty Points DOUBLED until

12pm (UK time) on July 5th 2019 



Your current Loyalty Points balance is now



These are currently worth




If any Customers, who do not currently have accounts on the website,

would like to create an account I would be delighted

to issue them with their Loyalty Points.





June has been the first month I have been able to tackle my backlog of new titles.

Where as last year I added over 1500 new titles to the shop, so far,

up until 27th June, I have added 1836 since the beginning of the year.


My commitment to you all, continues to be that, given that pesky health issues can

sometimes get in the way, I will be adding over 2500 new titles to the shop.


Given that I have added 539 new titles, in June alone, there is a good chance

that this year's target might be significantly increased.

I do have a further 10,000 titles waiting to be processed so supply is not the problem.


Current Total is  1836  New Titles as of 27th June 2019


Many of these titles will be recently published works of both

Fiction and Non-Fiction but I will also endeavour to continue to seek out

those wonderful classic productions that are, sadly, no longer widely available.




Recent New Titles In by Subject

Please click on the image below the subject you choose to view.

Audio CDs  Cassettes MP3 CDs
Fiction Fiction Fiction
Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction




The Brainfood Audiobooks Looked For List - June Update


As I mentioned last time, this is where, after agreement from you, the Customer,

your requests for titles I currently do not hold in stock are to be found. 


The list continues to expand, a further 26 titles have been added this month

with 9 items found for Customers.


Please feel free to continue to send me your lists -

the sooner I get your requests the more likely I am to find them.


This service I provide is free of charge and does not require you

to make any obligation to purchase the items you have asked me to find.


So, if you currently have any specific items that you are finding hard

to locate please feel free to either pop them in an email to me or

use the Audiobook Request feature on the left hand side of the Homepage.






All your Loyalty Points are still usable in this

area of the shop so why not take a look.




Can I Please Ask You A Favour?


I very much hope that all of our Customers have

a great experience when using our website.


If anyone has any suggestions how I might improve

this service I would be delighted to hear your thoughts.


For this reason I would be delighted if you would consider

 leaving a review on our Trustpilot page.


It might help others who are unsure about

the service they can expect from Brainfood Audiobooks. 



Just click on the image above and then click on review company


As a Thank You for your time we will send everyone who completes a review

a voucher for 10% off your next purchase (please contact us to confirm)!