Action! Adventure! Archaeology! There are more perilous exploits in the second of the Cairo Jim chronicles. In the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, our hero Cairo Jim is hunting for the lost Tomb of the Pharaoh Martenarten. With him for the ride are his trusty talking parrot Doris and Brenda the Wonder Camel. But the devious, treacherous (and well-manicured) Captain Neptune Bone is after the priceless treasure! It looks like the game is up when Bone captures the fearless trio...
Nobody wants to fail. But in highly complex organizations, success can happen only when we confront our mistakes, learn from our own version of a black box, and create a climate where it’s safe to fail. We all have to endure failure from time to time, whether it’s underperforming at a job interview, flunking an exam, or losing a pickup basketball game. But for people working in safety-critical industries, getting it...