Julius is a bleak and disturbing tale of one man’s unstoppable rise to the top and the shocking events that ensure he gets there. A dark twist on the typical rags-to-riches storyline, Julius follows the life of a young and ambitious French peasant (Julius Lévy) from his squalid life on the banks of the Seine to the...
vast majesty and wonders of London. With the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War, Julius is forced to flee for Algeria, where he soon learns the art of deception.
Here, the listener is provided a glimpse into the mind of one of the most unlikable characters in literature. Now alone in the world, Julius manipulates everyone he can, aided by his intelligence and cunning, he cares nothing for the feelings of others and discards them without hesitation whilst he continues his relentless ascent.
A deeply unsettling, yet fascinating tale, Julius is a story that will resonate with the listener long after its final words have been spoken.