Horrid Henry reads Perfect Peter's diary and improves it; goes clothes shopping with Mum and tries to make her buy him some Rootatoot trainers; is horrified when his old enemy Bossy Bill turns up at school; and tries by any means, fair or foul, to win the class football match and defeat Moody Margaret.
1) Horrid Henry Peeks at Peter's Diary 2) Horrid Henry and the Football Fiend 3) Horrid Henry Goes Shopping 4) Horrid Henry's Arch Enemy
Nobody wants to fail. But in highly complex organizations, success can happen only when we confront our mistakes, learn from our own version of a black box, and create a climate where it’s safe to fail. We all have to endure failure from time to time, whether it’s underperforming at a job interview, flunking an exam, or losing a pickup basketball game. But for people working in safety-critical industries, getting it...