In this collection of hilarious episodes from the life of William Brown, Kenneth Williams presents the memorable characters, including the lisping iolet Elizabeth, the appalling Hubert Lane, William's loyal band of Outlaws, Ginger, Douglas and Henry, and the long-suffering Mrs Brown. The 2 cassettes contain 4 stories; William goes shopping, The battle of the flowers, William the conspirator and William and the campers
Somehow or other, William's schemes invariably result in chaos; whether he is organising a victory parade, posing as a tailor's dummy in a shop-window, kidnapping one of the school's governors or giving his impression of a roaring lion on the loose, things go wrong and William gets into another scrape.
Almost miraculously, he manages to survive, unscathed and undaunted, through a series of catastrophic adventures created by his own calamitous stratagems.