Shirley runs a mobile hairdressing service from her Liverpool home. Ably assisted by her camp-as-a-row-of-pink-frillies sidekick, Oli, she trims and colors the locks of young and old and fraught and fancy-free alike in the local pensioners' home and on the production line of Henshaw's factory (while the boss's back is turned towards the 18th green). She's good at her job, keeping her customers happy and not just on...
Four of Richard Rohr's popular talks on Scripture. Talk One: "Faith in Exile: Biblical Spirituality for Our Times". Attempting to find meaning in a secular culture leads only to dead ends. Rohr reviews what Scripture teaches about the challenge of living a life of faith and finding meaning “in exile.” Talk Two: "Hearing the Wisdom of Jesus". To follow the intention and the teaching of Jesus as presented in Scripture, we are...