The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy is a tragic novel set in the fictional town of Casterbridge. Michael Henchard, a young hay trusser, overindulges in rum-laced furmity and quarrels with his wife, Susan. Spurred by alcohol, he decides to auction off his wife and baby daughter, Elizabeth-Jane, to a sailor...
Beware, the faeries will use all their power to stop you from reading these books! "The Field Guide: Book 1 of The Spiderwick Chronicles" is the story in which Mallory, Simon and Jared get acquainted with their new home but find many unexpected things. It all starts when Jared Grace finds their great uncle's book, "Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastic World Around You" and realises that are not alone in their new house. Now the Grace kids want to tell their...