Already completed Michel Thomas Total Spanish?
Take your Spanish to the next level with this acclaimed follow-on to the Michel Thomas Method Total Course.
No books. No writing.
No memorizing. - Guaranteed success.
Speak and understand perfectly - Incredible progress.
Get what you want, fast - Absolute confidence. Unleash your natural learning style without trying
The Method: Stress-free audio learning
Michel Thomas teaches you through your own language, so there's no stress, and no anxiety. He builds it up, step by step, and you don't move on until you've absorbed and understood the previous point. And, as Michel Thomas said, 'What you understand, you know; and what you know, you don't forget.' With parallels to the way you learned your own language, each language is learned in 'real-time' conditions. There is no need to stop for homework, additional exercises or vocabulary memorization.