A splendid gift pack featuring one of Agatha Christie’s most fascinating and celebrated characters: Hercule Poirot. Aimed at the Christmas market it contains The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding and Murder in the Mews. The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding First came a sinister warning to Poirot not to ...
eat any plum pudding… then the discovery of a corpse in a chest… next, an overheard quarrel that led to murder… the strange case of the dead man who altered his eating habits… and the puzzle of the victim who dreamt his own suicide.
What links these five baffling cases? The little grey cells of Monsieur Hercule Poirot! Murder in the Mews How did a woman holding a pistol in her right hand manage to shoot herself in the left temple? What was the link between a ghost sighting and the disappearance of top secret military plans? How did the bullet that killed Sir Gervase shatter a mirror in another part of the room? And who destroyed the ‘eternal triangle’ of love involving renowned beauty, Valentine Chantry?
Hercule Poirot is faced with four mystifying cases – Murder in the Mews, The Incredible Theft, Dead Man’s Mirror and Triangle at Rhodes – each a miniature classic of characterisation, incident and suspense.