Set against the tumultuous backdrop of southern France, Sepulchre is the stunning new novel of obsession and revenge from the number-one best-selling author of Labyrinth. October 1891: A young girl, Léonie Verniern, and her brother, Anatole, abandon the gas-lit streets of Paris for the sanctuary of the...
Domaine de la Cade, some miles south of the medieval city of Carcassone. But, in the ancient woods that surround the isolated country house, Léonie stumbles across a ruined Visigoth sepulchre - and a timeless mystery whose traces are written in blood.
As she peels back the layers of the past, she uncovers the existence of a unique deck of tarot cards that are rumoured to hold the power of life and death.
October 2007: Researching a biography of the composer Claude Debussy in the apparent tranquillity of the Pyrenean foothills, Meredith Marin also seeks the key to her own complex legacy.
Armed with a haunting piece of piano music and a sepia photograph, she soon becomes immersed in the story of a tragic love, a missing girl, an unquiet soul, and the strange events of one cataclysmic night more than a century ago.
As the Feast of All Saints approaches - when the veil between life and death is at its thinnest - Meredith is drawn inexorably to a secluded forest glade where the secrets of the past are far from buried.