Standard Insurance Assessment Service
How it Works
Most people's audiobook collections are worth considerably more than they may appreciate. For peace of mind we now offer a service where we will take your list of your collection, either electronically or in written form, and provide an estimated cost of replacement which can be submitted to your insurance company in the event of a claim and should inform your level of cover when purchasing home contents insurance.
An Example of How it Works
You have accumulated an extensive collection of audiobooks and are concerned that you would like to be sufficiently covered in the event of an insurance claim.
1 - If you purchase this item we will send you a form to be completed which will require you to identify the items in your audiobook collection.
2 - After this is complete you should send/email this form back to us at Brainfood Audiobooks.
3 - Depending on how large your collection is it should take 5 to 7 days to establish it's current value for insurance purposes.
4 - We will then issue you with a Insurance Valuation letter which must be held with the document that identifies the items in your audiobook collection.
As always, if anything is unclear please get back to us, we're always happy to help!