A man-made plague has swept the Earth, but a small group survives, along with the green-eyed Crakers - a gentle species bio-engineered to replace humans. Toby, one-time member of the Gods Gardeners and expert in mushrooms and bees, is still in love with street-smart Zeb, who has an interesting past. The Crakers’ reluctant prophet, Snowman-the-Jimmy, is hallucinating; Amanda is in shock from a Painballer...
Four of Richard Rohr's popular talks on Scripture. Talk One: "Faith in Exile: Biblical Spirituality for Our Times". Attempting to find meaning in a secular culture leads only to dead ends. Rohr reviews what Scripture teaches about the challenge of living a life of faith and finding meaning “in exile.” Talk Two: "Hearing the Wisdom of Jesus". To follow the intention and the teaching of Jesus as presented in Scripture, we are...