A supersonic passenger aircraft on its maiden flight collides with a private plane over a packed Metropolis airport - and is saved from destruction by a mysterious flying man...From Superman's very first deed of daring to his battle of wits with evil business tycoon Lex Luthor, "The Adventures of Superman" tells the story of the Man of Steel...
from the beginning - of his love affair with Lois Lane, his friendship with Jimmy Olsen, and his battles with adversaries including Luthor, the Bizarro Superman and Metallo, the cyborg with a kryptonite heart! Based on the original "DC Comics", these stories feature a full star cast, with spectacular sound effects and a thrilling, specially composed orchestral score.
The writer and producer is Dirk Maggs, the man behind "Superman - Doomsday & Beyond", "Batman - Knightfall", and the three recent series of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".