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No Comebacks written by Frederick Forsyth performed by Nigel Davenport on Audio CD (Unabridged)

No Comebacks written by Frederick Forsyth performed by Nigel Davenport on Audio CD (Unabridged)£29.99

Deception, blackmail, murder, revenge - these are themes of stories that move from London to the coast of Spain, from Mauritius to Dublin. Whether his subject is assassination by stealth, gun-smuggling or the cruel confidence trick Forsyth is never less than compulsive.

Here are eight stories with the Forsyth touch - a brilliant and original collection by an incomparable craftsman of suspense.

The Cobra written by Frederick Forsyth performed by John Chancer on CD (Unabridged)

The Cobra written by Frederick Forsyth performed by John Chancer on CD (Unabridged)
Our Price:  £14.99Earn 14 Loyalty Points

ISBN:  9781408467657
Genre - Main:  Fiction
Genre - Specific:  Thriller
Duration:  665 mins
Length:  Unabridged
Author:  Frederick Forsyth
Performer 1:  John Chancer



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The Cocaine industry is worth billions of dollars a year to the drug cartels who spread their evil seed across Western society. Its usage causes incalculable misery, poverty and death.

Slowly, gradually, inexorably it is is a blight which must be stopped.

One man, Paul Devereaux, intellectual, dedicated, utterly ruthless and ex-CIA special ops, is given what seems like an impossible task. At his disposal, anything he wants - men, resources, money.

He will not stop until he has completed his mission. Up to now the drug trade has been used to world governments attempting to prevent them plying their trade. But up to now, those governments have played by the rules.

That is about to change.

The rules no longer apply...and a dirty war is about to get a whole lot dirtier..

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