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The Divine Invasion written by Philip K Dick performed by Dick Hill on MP3 CD (Unabridged)

Very Rare!
The Divine Invasion written by Philip K Dick performed by Dick Hill on MP3 CD (Unabridged)
Our Price:  £29.99Earn 29 Loyalty Points

ISBN:  9781501293405
Genre - Main:  Fiction
Genre - Specific:  Sci-Fi
Duration:  600 mins
Length:  Unabridged
Author:  Philip K Dick
Performer 1:  Dick Hill
Rarity:  Extremely Rare



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God is not dead: he has merely been exiled to an extraterrestrial planet. And it is on this planet that God meets Herb Asher and persuades him to help retake Earth from the demonic Belial. Featuring virtual reality, parallel worlds, and interstellar travel, The Divine Invasion blends philosophy and adventure in a way few authors can achieve.As the middle novel of Dick’s VALIS trilogy, The Divine Invasion plays a pivotal role...

in answering the questions raised by the first novel, expanding that world while exploring just how much anyone can really know — even God himself.

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