A revolutionary new method for gauging your level of hope, the seven essentials that will help you increase it, and why it s so important. Underneath every thriving person, every thriving marriage, kid, and business is one factor: hope. Hope, the confident expectation that God has better days ahead...
is the single most important determining factor in why some people thrive while other people decline. Unlike IQ and EQ, which are largely inherited, your level of hope, or HQ, can be developed and grown. In The Hope Quotient, pastor Ray Johnston offers an online diagnostic test that becomes your personal roadmap to measuring and increasing your HQ.
Understanding that assessment determines which of the seven essentials you need to incorporate into your life: recharge your batteries raise your expectations refocus on the future play to your strengths refuse to go it alone replace burnout with balance play great defence With biblical examples of Joshua, King David and Nehemiah, as well as stories of some amazingly hopeful people today, Pastor Ray shares the only way to get more hope is to consciously build it into your life.
Your HQ is the most important contributor to your overall success. Because when hope rises, not just positive thinking but solid hope from God, everything changes.