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Large Fixed Price Audio Transfer Service£45.00
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ISBN: 9780745162614Genre - Main: FictionGenre - Specific: MysteryDuration: 450 minsLength: UnabridgedAuthor: Dorothy L. SayersPerformer 1: Ian Carmichael
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Lord Peter Wimsey bent down over General Fentiman and drew the Morning Post gently away from the gnarled old hands. Then, with a quick jerk, he lifted the quiet figure. It came up all of a piece, stiff as a wooden doll . . .
But how did the general die? Who was the mysterious Mr X who fled when he was wanted for questioning? And which of the general's heirs, both members of the Bellona Club, is lying?
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The Duchess of Malfi written by John Webster performed by Barbara Jefford, Robert Stephens, Jeremy Brett and Alec McCowen on Cassette (Abridged)£39.99 - £69.99
Barbara Jefford, Robert Stephens and Alec McCowen lead a distinguished company in this haunting performance of Webster’s powerful tragedy of murder, revenge and thwarted love.