In this darkly imaginative debut novel full of myth, magic, romance, and mystery, a Princeton freshman is drawn into a love triangle with two enigmatic brothers and discovers terrifying secrets about her family and herself - a bewitching blend of Twilight, The Secret History, Jane Eyre, and A Discovery of...
Witches. For every world, there is an underworld. Arriving at Princeton for her freshman year, Thea Slavin finds herself alone, a stranger in a strange land. Away from her family and her Eastern European homeland for the first time, she struggles to adapt to unfamiliar American ways and the challenges of college life - including a young man whose brooding good looks and murky past intrigue her.
Drawn to the elusive Rhys and his equally handsome and mysterious brother Jake, she ventures into a sensual mythic underworld as irresistible as it is dangerous.
In this shadow world that seems to evoke Greek mythology and the Bulgarian legends of the samodivi, or "wildalones" - forest witches who beguile and entrap men - Thea will discover a family secret bound to transform her forever...
if she can accept that dead doesn't always mean gone, and love doesn't always distinguish between the two. Mesmerizing and addictive, Wildalone is a thrilling blend of the modern and the fantastical.
Krassi Zourkova creates an atmospheric world filled with rich characters as compelling as those of Diana Gabaldon, Deborah Harkness, and Stephenie Meyer.