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29 January 2016  |  David at Brainfood Audiobooks

Feburary 2016 Update


100s of New Audiobooks in stock




Massive Increase in the number of Titles Offered


Since the beginning of the year we have added more than 500 titles to the shop

in all formats (Audio CD, MP3 CD and Audio Cassette)...



Are You Looking For Something that's Not on the Website?


Many of you have already contacted us in order to help you find audiobooks that you are looking for. 

It's always a pleasure to help our Customers find ...



New Service - Audio Transfer Service


Over the years it has become clear that there is considerable frustration as to the issue of audio formats/media.

For this reason, and based on the feedback from our fabulous Customers, we have started to offer an Audio Transfer Service...



A New Addition to Our Homepage


After several questions from our wonderful Customers we have decided to include some information, 

on our Homepage, as to what we are listening to.



(This news was in our previous bulletin but we think it bears repeating)


BIG THANK YOU to All Our Wonderful Customers! 


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