This compelling collection brings Baker Street's celebrated resident and his cohort, Dr Watson, out of retirement to investigate seven of the most notorious mysteries in the annals of true crime, from the murder of a London prostitute to the 1907 theft of the Irish Crown Jewels. In Paris, Holmes and Watson become embroiled in the suspicious...
death of the French president; in Yokohama, they solve a mystifying case of poisoning. And on at least one occasion, the formidable powers of the great detective save the English monarchy, government, and nation.
The stories are: 'The Ghost in the Machine', 'The Case of the Crown Jewels', 'The Case of the Unseen Hand', 'The Case of the Blue Royal', 'The Case of the Camden Town Murder', 'The Case of the Missing Rifleman', and 'The Case of the Yokohama Club'.